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Humans are social creatures that need to interact, and exchange value in many ways and forms. This interaction is at the heart of the social contract. The need to interact and exchange value is true wherever our species goes and will continue to be true even when we start to explore outer space. But do we have the right tools for this? Is the social contract in its current form still strong enough to hold societies together and create the new and evolved ones of the future?

While they have served us well, there are limitations in how we apply the social contract and how we employ existing currency models. These limitations mean that our societies are increasingly limited in their ability to capture the diverse forms of value outside the reach of government, outside the reach of the social contract. The result of this is that the social and economic value created by individuals and communities is often lost if they do not have access to traditional financial systems. Think of the informal economy which employs up to 60% of the world's population according to the IMF. Think about refugee communities that are marginalized simply because they do not have any formal means to sign unto the social contracts of their host communities and as a result cannot access traditional financial systems. Think of the elderly who have needs and can create value for their communities but are unable to work to work and earn in conventional jobs.

The answer is an evolution to a digital social contract, one that builds on technology to bridge the social and economic gaps. Digital currencies that leverage fourth industrial revolution technologies and high mobile phone penetration, can make this solution reality. By leveraging technology that is readily available, we can turn units of time to a digital currency that is accessible to the most remote and underserved communities, whether here on earth, or out in space. Because digital currencies should reliably facilitate value exchange wherever it is needed. Ultimately, a time-based digital currency could serve as the basis for a new digital social contract.

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